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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Rena 200lt complete setup, eheim 2073, heavily planted

Description: This is a mature planted aquarium that I am very reluctantly selling as I am moving house and cannot take it with me. The plants alone cost me a small fortune and are all mature, the running gear is all about or under a year old, the filter alone cost me £180. It's a Rena aquarium in beech, 100cm long, 60cm high and 40cm deep which comes up with a tank volume of 192lts.

The tank is located in Tooting, SW17, London and is collection only.

I've had this tank for 5 years and it is in great condition. It has the usual age related marks with 2 very light scratches on the glass, they are barely noticeable. My wife also has been putting vases of flowers on the top so has scratched the top of the lid. Very easy to repair with a bit of paint but I've not bothered as it'll just get scratched again. 

It has twin light T8 bar upgraded with reflectors to heighten the plant tubes fitted. One sunlight and one daylight tube.
It has a year old Eheim Jäger 3616 150w heater and a six month old Eheim professional 3 2073 which has a T piece in the flow line to the spray bar and a swan neck at the other end of the tank to help with water circulation.

It comes with the various potions and lotions associated with fish keeping:

Swimbladder treatment
Anti fungus and finrot treatment
Dennerle plantagold 7 (aquatic plant fertiliser)
Interpet Ph down
Ph buffer
Ph and 2x nitrate test kits
Brine shrimp eggs
Brine shrimp food
What's left of a tetramin food
1x blister pack of frozen bloodworm
Some bogwood pieces
Algae glass cleaners x2
Spare filter pads

I have two options:
Tank and filter with the listed bits for £300
£400 gets you all the listed livestock, mature sand/gravel, plants, bogwood, etc.
All livestock and plants have been bought from Living Waters on Beddington lane which is an exceptional aquarium shop.
The tank is heavily planted with cryptocorynes, 4 different varieties in all, there are also Anubias Barteri, Anubias Nana, Java ferns and Christmas tree moss on bogwood too. Two of the Anubias on bogwood are 17 years old, I've seen ones a third of the size listed on eBay for £50 so you could get a massive bargin!!!

Livestock in the tank is:
1x clown loach
3x true Siamese flying foxes (rare to find true one)
2x 3 spot rasboras
6x Cardinal tetras
3-4 dwarf rasboras (chilli, striped)
4x tiger barbs
3x scissortails
2x corydora
2x male guppies
About 1000 mixed shrimp (estimated). I put 10x blue Yamato, cherry and clear Yamato 5 years ago and they breed like crazy!!

Please feel free to ask any questions.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Stephen
Telephone: 07949021752
Town: Tooting
County: London

Advert stats: [Added or updated:25/10/15 Views: 2105]

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