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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Juwel Rio 400 + African cichlid full setup £500 Ono

Description: For sale 5ft Juwel Rio 400
Comes complete with fish, heater, 2 filters, around 90 kg of ocean rock 30kgs marine sand, air pump everything you need

There's around 50 - 80 fish (too many to count) the fish are African cichlids ranging from 3 inch to 8 inch

Which include:
Large frontosa
A variety of peacocks
Few zebra obliques
Couple of yellow labs
2 bristle nose plecs
Too many to list

Reason for sale is simply I do not have the time to look after them properly any more I do love these fish but work and other commitments have taken me away from them

Some of these fish like the frontosa would sell for 50 - 60 alone in the shops as he is the largest in the tank at around 8 inch

Buyer will need to transport I will not deliver you will need at least two strong people with you the tank is heavy even when empty

I do have buckets with lids I use to transport the fish which you can take
This will be sold whole and the fish will not be sold separately
Open to sensible offers use the make offer button

Contact Information
Advertiser: James
Telephone: 07775696062
Town: Little hulton
County: Greater Manchester

Advert stats: [Added or updated:10/05/15 Views: 2017]

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