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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  5ft customised fish tank

Description: I am reluctantly selling my tank that I am in the process of customising to my own specification, during a transfer from tropical to marine set up.
The beech edging have been removed and replaced with aluminium to give a more neutral look. The top braces have been removed and replaced with metal strips- this will allow for smaller lighting units to be clipped on to them or as the hood has also been removed - lighting can be suspended above the tank please note this is a work in progress and their is no backing on the tank £150
Also available is a Sump tank the baffles have been removed as I intended to customise the filtration system to suit my needs the baffles come with the tank and can be reinstalled using marine safe silicone sealant the sump is large enough to accommodate my 480ltr tank- an over flow/wier also comes with this package the pipework has been adapted to suit my system and can easily be adapted to any set up both for £50
Accessories are also available which include a juwel powerhead, juwel internal filter,and a 300w heater all for £40
An ehiem pro 2 external canister filter is also available with all pipework for £40
I also have 8 tropical fish
2 cichlids
2 Oscars
Clown loach
Large plec
Chocolate talking catfish
Will consider selling separately, willing to accept £40 for all 8
For One day only everything for £150
Grab yourself a bargain
Any questions please don't hesitate to contact me on 07958523447

Contact Information
Advertiser: Mark Fenny
Telephone: 07958523447
Town: Atherton
County: Greater Manchester

Advert stats: [Added or updated:05/05/15 Views: 1856]

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