Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment
Marine 90 litre full set up with fish, inverts, corals, live rock, will split live stock must go first
90 litre Tmc tank, aqua one marine lighting, heater, protein skimmer, two power heads.
Livestock: 2 black tomato clowns, 2 yellow tail damsels, 1 fire fish, I chalk gobey, I yellow sunrise dotty back. 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 sand sifting starfish,1 Fire shrimp, 1 mandarin loads of hermit crabs. Lots of various corals including an anemone. 9 kilos of live rock.
Will split contact for prices
May split
01726 890881
07542 630085
Link and photos below ...
Contact Information Advertiser: Dave Wallett Telephone: 01726 890881
Town: St Austell
County: Cornwall
Web Link: http://www.aquarist-classifieds.co.uk/ph ...
Advert stats: [Added or updated:25/05/15 Views: 1966]
