Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment
Tmc 90 litre cube, heater ,lights, power heads, lighting with marine fish, live rock, corals
Tmc 90 litre cube Aqua one marine lighting, Aqua one heater, x 2 Aqua one power heads, Aqua one 90 protein skimmer.
10 KGS of live rock, x2 yellow damsels, x 2 black tomato clowns, X1 sunrise dotty back, X1 fire fish, x 1 chalk gobey, X1 sand sifting starfish, x 3 blue legged emerald crabs, X1 hermit crab, X1 peppermint shrimp, x 1 fire shrimp, x 2 cleaner shrimp.lots of corals hammer head, mushrooms and lots more. Tel 07542 630085
£350 will not split everything goes together.
This is a bargain
Pictures on link below:
Contact Information Advertiser: Dave Wallett Telephone: 01726 890881
Town: St Austell
County: Cornwall
Web Link: http://www.aquarist-classifieds.co.uk/ph ...
Advert stats: [Added or updated:04/03/15 Views: 1679]
