Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment
Tank, Cabinet, Sump : External Filter : Powerheads - London

Tank Pics @ imgur.com/a/33dH7#0
Tank Cabinet and Sump - £200:
Tank is 4'x2'x2' n.b. Tank is not drilled and is reflected in price, sump is 26"x16"x16". Project for someone who can drill the tank themselves or use an Overflow Pipe to connect it to the sump.
External Filter - £35:
Aquis Advance 1250 comes with all pipework and original box, only problem is the plunger is stuck down. But with a bit of grease this can easily be released, fault reflected in price. Does not affect performance.
Powerheads - £35 each:
Tunze 6045 - old version and NeWave 5.1
Located in Central London EC2, call me on: Freddie - 07904419598
p.s. I will help move tank no problem ;)
Contact Information Advertiser: Freddie Town: London
County: London
Web Link: TANK PICS: (Click Link below)
Web Link: http://imgur.com/a/33dH7#0
Map Link: http://binged.it/1zoh72f
Advert stats: [Added or updated:17/01/15 Views: 1771]
