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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment


Description: Closing down sale. TANKS......
10. 2x18x18
16. 12x15x18
1. 4x12x18
1. 4x15x22
1. 5x2x18
1. 6x15x18
Air pumps
Secho el 100 £150 6 months old.
Secho el 120 £150 new
Pressure release valve £25
External filters....
Aqua one aquis 2450 uv 10 month old £100
2x Aqua one aquis 750 £60ea
30 sponge filters plus brand new sponges £
Aqua ones ranging from 150w to 300w £
Self filling system inc pump £100
Breeding boxes air feed 15x £5small large £10
Racking 4 lots of £120
Digital ph reader £40

Angels from £1.50
Rainbow blue eye £2.00
Pink widows £2.50
Cherry barbs £1.50
Scissor tales £2.50
Male guppies £2.00
Females guppies £1.50
Blue lobster £4
Clown loach £6
5 breeding pair of angels £15ea
10. 3 to 4 inch discus £200

Loads more bits n bobs ring for full details
Matt 07772969779

Contact Information
Advertiser: matthew
Telephone: 07772969779
Town: rhyl
County: Denbighshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:10/01/15 Views: 1787]

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