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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Aqua Medic Percula 120 (black)

Description: Aqua Medic Perc 120 + stand with extra door.
Custom made hood which houses 2 x Deltec Megatwins T5 units (60/40 aquablue tubes) + a single Deltec T5 unit with a actinic tube fitted, it has 2 x built in ultra quiet fans and 5/6 moonlight LED's.

The tank has been modified to allow front and back closed loops with multi outlets and uprated pumps for increased water circulation.

Liverock is housed on egg crate on a reef rack, where underneath there is a reef flushing design powered by the return pump to keep the rock free from detrius build up.

There is a roughly 18" x 5" x 4" refugium fixed on the upper back wall of the tank which holds chaetomorpha, this is fed by a Aqua medic 2000 lph pump which supplys water 24/7 which flows through constantly.

There are the standard circulation pumps which have been uprated as i said earlier for better flow.
The skimmer is a turbofloater percula with a Aqua Medic 2500lph needle wheel pump / with venturi pipe.
The cabinet is also home to a Aqua Medic top up tank / peri pump SP3000 / float switch etc... which replaces water automatically that has evapourated....... with fresh RO water (The float has been modified so it cant be moved / disturbed in the return chamber).
There are also 2 x Tunze Turbelle streams with magnets (6060's) 11watt, in the tank giving a total tank turnover in excess of 70 x an hour.
I am selling the tank due to the fact i am wanting to upgrade, the tank at present is adorable and stable and takes no real effort at all to look after.
Parameter's on the tank at present are: SG 25
Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 Phosphate 0 Magnesium 1350 KH/ALK 9.5 dkh Calcium 430, this speaks for itself, you are more than welcome to check the parameter's yourself if you wish.
There will be a small quantity of live rock also, (figi) and 5/6 fish including a flame angel, sailfin tang, royal gramma.
Pictures are available on request.
Thankyou Ian. (i am not wanting a silly amount just a reasonable 1).

Contact Information
Advertiser: Ian
Telephone: 01772 654335
Town: Fulwood
County: Lancashire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:17/02/06 Views: 5425]

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