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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Full setup

Description: Unfortunately i don't have the time to spend on my aquarium so i have to sell it
i don't want to split it up ,,,

Main display tank is 10mm glass with supports; The tank was made for me and inc a weir with 1, 25mm feed pipe and 2, 25mm 1800mm * 650mm*600mm
The surround is built in but can be stripped and re-erected easy to cover just lifts off

Lighting 3 Nr LED full spectrum lights with auto controls

Flow is controlled by 3 Nr 3 wave makers (Jebao WP40) all with individual controllers + spare head

2 Regal tangs (been together 3 years)
2 Yellow Tangs (breading pair )
1 Flam Tank
2 Neon Dam fish
2 Clown fish (been together 3 years)
2 Tomato clowns (breading pair)
1 Leopard rasp
all reef safe all happy

Carpet anemone (happy never moved)

Flame of the forest bubble tip anemone, this are about 7/8 of them in there but keep having more, they have there own end of the tank with the tom clown fish. Very happy never move off the rock

Btistar starfish happy under his rock in the middle

Rock lobster. Lives under the rock , hand feed him, moults regular

Loads of snails and stuff

There is about £200/£200 of good rock in the tank been there a long time well cured lots of life

Not sure of most of the names, mainly soft corals , massive amout of Kenyan Tree , split up big tree and re-planted into rocks with 2 mushrooms and a plate coral
But everything is growing well , id say £600 of coral !

The sump is 4foot with 4 chambers 1, filter sock, 2 pumps and skimmers, 3 sponge 4 return
Clean out ever 12 months
Chillier, not sure of the make but it big enough for 1000/1500 lts purchased new over £600
Reactor running rophos and carbon changed ever 4 weeks
Skimmer TMC 1 V 600 & 1 V1500 easily enough to keep it clean
Chillier and UV Pump , UV is a Vecton 600 (the biggest one) new lamp 22-09-14
Calcium Reactor V2 1500 with dolomite for magnesium new gas bottle 22-09-14
Return pump Jebao 1200 very quite with variable controls
V2 Auto Top up

All equipment had switchable plugs, easy to control

Full RO 4 stage system inc 50 lts barrel with auto stop valve and tester
Washer for filter sock , with spin +5 socks
Brushes , cleaners, suction pipe and tube for cleaning sand
£25 of frozen food
3 water barrels 1 dirty water, 2 clean
full test kits form Copper to strontium

just need a serious offer.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Lincoln
Telephone: 07786265429
Town: Manchester
County: Greater Manchester

Advert stats: [Added or updated:12/12/14 Views: 3728]

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