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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  NATURAL AQUARIO (NA)90x50x45D super clear glass tank, stand, light and much more

Description: Hello chaps, my time in the hobby has drawn to its end and I am looking to shift my complete setup, I have everything you need to start a planted tank. I've only used it for one setup which lasted 16 months with great success. This tank is a beauty but I really haven't got time anymore.
I'm not planning on selling any items individually so please don't ask.
There is 3 scratches one side but it can be flipped around as the other side perfect and the scratches can be repaired, everything else is immaculate.
This will have to be collected from Watford.
£2000 is what I need to sell the lot and this is what you get:
NA 90x50x45d super clear glass tank and glass lid
NA Tank mat
NA Cabinet - grey
NA light arm
NA Sun flur 4x36w PC units + bulbs
Tetratec ex1200
Eheim professional II 2028
Eheim Substrate pro
Bio balls
300ml purigen
1 Glass inlet & 1 Lilly outlet
Glass and pipe cleaners
Clear filter pipes
Up inline co2 diffuser
Co2 regulator with two gauges
2 full 2kg fire extinguishers
1 2kg fire extinguisher 80% full
1 empty refillable 2kg co2 bottle
ADA glass co2 beetle bubble counter
Non return valves and co2 pipe
3 digital timers
Electric tooth brush and charger (cleaning rocks)
Dry frets, everything to make macro. Trace and special N, 3 x 500 ml dosing bottles
Measuring spoons
Digital scales
500ml seachem prime (40ml used)
250ml easy carbo 90% full
2 nets
2 new big algae pads
Glass scraper
Some fish medicine
Some fish food
30-40kg seriyu stone
1 unopened 9l back of ADA powersand
ADA Clear Super
ADA Bacter 100
Glass co2 diffuser x 2
Co2 glass drop checker
Various Aquascaping scissors and tweezers 7 in total and leather case
A pump which I use to feed water back to the tank for water changes and more pipe
Hydor In line heater 300w
I also have plenty of bits and bobs and spares but it will take me ages to list it all, ultimately all you need is plants and a couple more bags of aqua soil, some plants and your good to go.
Please feel free to contact me via e-mail or phone 07412018300

Contact Information
Advertiser: Vito ciottariello
Telephone: 07412018300
Town: Watford
County: Hertfordshire
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:24/08/14 Views: 1663]

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