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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Mature Marine Nano Aquarium

Description: Im Selling my Nano tank as we are putting all our time and money into our main tank.

The tank is a 45L Acrylic tank, with no visible scratches on the glass.

It has two Arcadia luminaries over it with a marine white/blue tube in each.

It has an Eheim 2213 external filter, which filters 140 litres per hour.

The tank is full of live rock as you can see from the picture, and its been in the tank for around 4 years, with good coralline growth on the rocks.

There are two fluorescent green bubble tip anemones stuck onto the rocks, they have been in there for a couple of years

The livestock are : 1 bi colour benny, 1 blue velvet damsel, and 1 Clown ( his mate died)

We have always used Ready mixed RO salt water for our water changes, done every two weeks.

The tank has never had any copper based treatments in it.

we are open to reasonable offers.

Contact Information
Advertiser: kevin
Telephone: 01978843174
Town: wrexham
County: Denbighshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:19/09/14 Views: 1974]

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