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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  £180 Juwel Rio 240 240L fishtank with black finish / trim and black cupboard stand

Description: Beautiful Juwel Rio 240 with black finish and the Juwel stand to go with it. This tank has been cared for and loved by two goldfish owners, and would make a great addition to any home. It's very sad sale, but I'm going back to university in September and just can't take it with me.

Here's the description from the Juwel website:

Emphasising individuality: JUWEL RIO 240

Timeless, elegant design, perfect workmanship and innovative technology – at a width of 120 cm, you can simply enjoy a perfect view. Measuring 121 x 41 cm and with its classic rectangular design, the RIO 240 fits into any home without compromising on style.
Its safety base frame ensures especially safe positioning and allows you to set up your aquarium easily, with no need for special supports.

Painstaking workmanship from Germany, top-quality materials and perfectly tuned technology guarantee the very best of quality and safety, meaning a long service life for your RIO 240.

Please read the following specifics carefully, as it was impossible to include everything within the amount of pictures I was allowed. :)

The good bits:
•No leaks!
•No scratches on glass side panels.
•Comes with original stand, which is in fairly good condition overall (see flaw below).
•Comes with working original lighting unit and lights, with a shield to protect your eyes (see flaw below).
•Comes with unharmed original lids.
•Comes with original Juwel timed feeder.

•Comes with lots of extras:
•Sticky-remover liquid
•Black and white butterfly background (removable and reversible, plain blue on the other side)
•1 x Fluval 305 filter with pipes
•Extra pipes, filter pipes and a hosepipe
•Extra filter sponges (some with the bag of plants so may save on cycling)
•Bag of plants (some in better health than others!)
•2 x black buckets, one half-filled with enough black gravel and stones to cover the bottom of the tank
•3 x different types of gravel cleaners
•Various plant holders
•Small filter for use with an air pump
•Hoses, air stones and valves, including 1-way valves for use with an air pump (please note the air pump is not included)
•2 x magnetic glass cleaners
•Esha water test sticks (only a few used)
•Sterazin P medication for flukes and worms
•Easylife Easy Carbo for good plant growth
•Flourish Excel for good plant growth
•Tetra Aquasafe to make tap water safe
•Seachem Nourish, a 'multivitamin' for freshwater fish
•2 x main timers (one digital and one analog), one doesn't work, but I can't remember which (though I think it's the analog one).

The not-so-good bits:
•Some very minor scratches on the bottom glass panel due to gravel.
•The hinges on one of the stand doors has worked its way out of the stand. I fixed this with polyfiller and it's holding, but probably won't forever. I gave up trying to make it better, as hopefully the new owner will be better at DIY than I am!!
•At some point some extremely sticky tape was used around the edges on the outside of the side panels (it was for insulation) and has left a residue. The removal liquid is supplied with the tank, I just never got around to taking it off. It hasn't done any permanent damage as far as I can tell.
•There's a bit of limescale on the lid and on parts of the lighting unit, though I've tried to remove most of it.
•The switch on the lighting unit sometimes need a little jiggle to turn on.
•The clips on the shield have snapped, so it just rests over the light. They should be fairly easy to replace.
•You will need to collect, and there are a fair few stairs (3 household flights). I'm based in SE19.

In the pictures you can see what the tank looks like all set up, but please note there are no fish included.

I have tried to include all the relevant points in the description and pictures, but if there's anything you'd like to know please don't hesitate to ask. I'll consider any reasonable offers; asking price £180.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Kelleigh Greene
Telephone: 07984567650
Town: Crystal Palace
County: London
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:15/07/14 Views: 1950]

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