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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Complete Marine tank setup in solid oak cabinet

Description: Complete Marine tank setup in solid oak cabinet

Tank & cabinet
Tank 54” long 15”wide 24” high with weir (approximately 320 litres)
Sump tank 36” long 12” wide 18” high (approximately 130 litres)
Solid oak cabinet (both tanks and purpose build cabinet bought from Mainenhead Aquatics a couple of years ago) 5’ long x 1’ 6”deep x 3’ high (5’ 4” to the top of the tank lid).

TMC Aquabeam 600 LED lights
2 x Reefwhite
2 x Marinewhite
1 x White
1 x Reefblue
1 x TMC red LED strip
6 x Multi program lighting timers
2 T5 54w DD fluorescent tubes with controller
LED sump light

Pumps, Filters & heating
Eheim compact +3000 sump return pump
TMC V2 Bio React 500 - Pellet Reactor with DD pump
Deltec AP 600 Protein Skimmer with Eheim Compact+ Marine 1103 Pump
Hydor Koralia powerheads with Hydor Wavemaker 2 Control System
TMC V2 Therm 300 Digital Heater

Stock & substrate
Loads of live rock
Blue throat trigger
Yellow tang
Coral beauty
2 female wreck fish
1 male wreak fish
1 blue star damsel
1 cleaner wrasse
1 large boxer shrimp
Numerous turbo & Mexican turbo snails
Numerous soft corals including
Pulsing xenia
Large mushroom corals
Gorgonian sea fans

Red sea nitrate test kit
Salifert Phosphate test kit
Salifert Calcium test kit
Salifert PH test kit
Salifert KH test kit
Salifert Nitrite test kit
Salifert Amonia test kit
Salinity Refractometer

The whole setup is only a couple of years old. I would preferably sell as one complete system however would consider selling separately if nobody wants the whole thing. The reason for selling is that with my work commitment I don’t really have the time to look after it. The design of the tank system is that most of the equipment to maintain the water quality is situated within the sump tank area therefore releasing most of the main tank for display. The main tank contains a weir that feeds water to the sump tank beneath, a sump mounted return pump completes the circulation back to the main tank. The sump tank also has a good stock of nitrate extracting algae and contains one of the most important components the protein skimmer which in this case is a really good quality Deltec make.

The setup cost me in excess of £3000 but will sell the whole thing including the stock for £1500

You are welcome to come and take a look, either email me on or phone me on 07850785651

It will require a van or large estate car to transport.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Chris
Telephone: 07850785651
Town: St Ives
County: Cornwall

Advert stats: [Added or updated:09/05/14 Views: 2471]

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