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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Fully set up and running tropical aquarium.

Description: Fully set up and running tropical aquarium.
40 litre tank including stand, heater, HOB filter, standard and added moonlighting.
This is a heavily live planted tank with different amazon swords, java fern and Christmas moss.
Fish included are endlers livebearers 4 Male 2 female that will readily breed in this tank. There are also some cherry red nano shrimp, not sure how many but at leas 6-10.
Set up with a good layer of aquatic soil (good for plant growth) black gravel with natural rocks .

The tank is just under 12 months old and is running really well. There are no marks or scratches on the tank. Obviously, this is not the original stand. It has a few marks on the top and it is a little larger than the actual tank. If you don't want he stand that is fine, I can dispose of it later.

Ideal starter tank
This tank cost me £170 plus to set up without the stand, so its a bit of a bargain at £65 ovno

Collection only !!

Contact Information
Advertiser: mark
Telephone: 07974182216
Town: bolton
County: Lancashire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:18/02/14 Views: 1672]

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