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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Homegrown Water Lettuce


£3 for 5 or 10 for £5 or 30 for £10

****From a snail free tank****

1) Floating plants for aquariums

2) Excellent cover for small fish and fry to hide from adult predators. 3) Outcompetes algae for nutrients and therefore helps prevent algae bloom.

4) Grows fairly quickly and removes toxins from the aquatic environment.

5) Roots trailing in the water make a beautiful aquascape for colourful fish to swim through. 6) Creates Shade in your aquarium which adds depth to your aquascape.

7) Shadow created allows small plants to grow well out of direct light.

8) Turtles love Water Lettuce as a tasty snack

Just so you know I use a fertiliser in my tank, flourish excel once a week and it has a co2 system hooked up and they thrive! The surface of the aquarium is not disturbed as these plants like a slow to minimal surface movement as they don't like their leaves getting too wet

Collection from s35 - chapeltown or i can post for £2 - I accept paypal

Contact Information
Advertiser: Tony Middleton
Telephone: 07725340730
Town: sheffield
County: South Yorkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:18/11/13 Views: 1350]

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