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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Aquarium 4ft x 1ft x 1.25 ft

Description: Hi i have a 4ft aquarium for sale with built in light in hood which is fully working. It comes with gravel (has snails in it so may need seiving or replacing) undergravel filter with air tube towers, heater which was used ages ago but has sat in a box in the cupboard for ages so unsure if ok (still comes on and gets hot) small air pump and small internal filter. The tank has some dried paint on the light hood but im sure this can easily be removed with either scraping off with a Stanley knife blade or thinners etc. Tank could also do with a clean as it has just been shut down and water etc removed from it but this should be done anyway when buying a secondhand tank! £45 collected.

p.s Pictures are from when it had just been emptied so show it misting up etc from the light being on!

Contact Information
Advertiser: Wayne
Town: Colchester
County: Essex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:25/10/13 Views: 1722]

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