overal dimensions
Height 134cm , width 50cm length 161cm
tank dimensions (veiwing area )
height 51cm depth 40cm length 152 cm
cabinet is 67cm heigh
this is a lovley fish tank that is full equipped with everything you need 2 heaters air pumps sunken ship ocean rock and coral sand bed it has lights and uv lights this fish tank is run on a fluvial FX5 filter which is only 3 months old bought for £204.00 overall set up cost me £1500.00 bought from Amwell Aquatics in St Albans there is some wear and tear on the tank some of the edging on the corners has been chipped or unstuck and the lid suffered water damage and swelled and hinge broke out other than that all complete no broken glass. price wanted £650.00 ono Buyer collects from Harlow Essex Please phone 07854721718 (karen)for veiwing
Contact Information Advertiser: karen waite Telephone: 01279 310690
Town: harlow
County: Essex
Advert stats: [Added or updated:22/10/13 Views: 1832]