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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Complete Marine setup, willing to sell seperately

Description: Aqua One Aquareef 300 Marine tank and cabinet for sale, complete set up with original and extra equipment.

Equipment includes Deltec MCE300 protein skimmer, TMC auto top-up 2 float switch, phosphate reactor with Eheim pump, 3 Wavemaker circulation pumps, heater, twin T5 actinic lighting, Marine Lux 250w electronic ballast.

Approximately 35kg of liverock included, this is high grade Fiji liverock and Blue stone liverock, it is very well established and full of coralline algae.

Lots of hard and soft corals including torch coral, zoanthids, various mushrooms.

Livestock includes several turbo snails, algae blenny, yellow tank, red-tailed blue damsel and a banana wrasse.

This tank cost around £3000 to set up, it's very well established and in excellent condition.

Will break up and sell separately if required.

Looking for offers over £1000 for complete setup, offers around £400 for liverock, corals and livestock, offers over £700 for tank and cabinet. For obvious reasons, liverock and livestock must sell first before tank, cabinet and equipment.

This is a Berlin system reef tank therefore fish and corals won't be sold separately, everything must go together, open to sensible offers around £400 - will also include water test kits, food and extra salt.

Pick up only from Glasgow.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Karen Shaw
Telephone: 07772000546
Town: Glasgow
County: Lanarkshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:17/08/13 Views: 2266]

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