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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  5ft Fish tank for sale. Fluval FX6. Oscars, SIlver Dollars, Clown Loaches and Datnoid Tiger Fish

Description: Hi there,
I am selling my 5ft fish tank. its 5ft in length, 2ft high and 1.5ft depth.

It was made to order 6 months ago. I had a standard filter with it but recently purchased the latest fluval FX6. Its an amazing filter, still has 3 years warranty. Just the filter cost me £220 to purchase. (receipt will be provided).

Also have 2x 300w Fluval Heaters. Light hood on top holding one blue and one day light tubes. Spent £150 on them. They were the best lights i could find for my tank.

50KG Black Moon Sand

Currently have Oscars, Silver Dollars, Large Clown loaches and Datnoid Tiger Fish. They are all really good quality and healthy fish as you can see from the pictures.

Only reason I am selling all this is because i decided to move to Marine now and will also get a more large tank and everything.

I can sell the fish separately if wanted.

Fish tank, Cabinet and all the equipment will have to go together.

I am open to offers but please don't give me a stupid offer. I know what I have and I know how much I have spent on everything.

If purchased all together, I will add 6 months test kits, lots of frozen food and some medicines.

Many thanks.

Text: 07544 142230

Contact Information
Advertiser: Ali
Telephone: 07544142230
Town: Manchester
County: Lancashire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:16/06/13 Views: 3229]

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