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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  4 designed & stocked aquariums for sale

Description: Due to relocation I am forced to sell the following:

1x 100ltr Planted Aquarium with overhead T5 luminaire.
Complete with internal filter, heater, CO2 injector, Ph drop checker, fertilisers and conditioners. The tank is stocked with plants and some rare rasbora and goby fish. £150

1x 150ltr bow front Tanganykan set up with stand.
Complete with internal filter, heater, air pump, tanganyka salts and water conditioners. Fish include 1x lelupi, 1x calvus (black female), 1x judio transcriptus, 3x bricardi, 3x leptosoma cyprichromis(2f,1m), 2x syno petricola. £150

1x250ltr cube dwarf cichlid set up with stand.
Complete with external filter, heater, air pump.
Fish include: 2 x dwarf acara, 6xserpae tetra, 1x bristle nose catfish. £200

****SOLD****1x400ltr American Cichlid set up with stand. *****SOLD*****
Complete with 2 internal filters, heater, air pump.
Fish include: 2x chocolate chiclid (pair); breeding colony corydora serbaii; 2x ancistrus caro (wild caught). £300

I also have plenty of spares, including filters, heaters, air pumps, water conditioners, food, glass cleaners, decor, suction hoses, buckets, disease treatments, you name it.

Separately these goods would cost you upwards of £1000, however I'm prepared to let the lot go for £600 total.

There's a bargain here to be had by someone. Whether you want just one tank, or a collection of fish, whatever, let me know.

I can only post 3 photos but hopefully you'll get the idea.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Gavin
Telephone: 07803071747
Town: Cardiff
County: Glamorgan

Advert stats: [Added or updated:16/05/13 Views: 1685]

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