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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  tank brake down plymouth

Description: betta 1000 in white around 400ltrs including sump and return pump £150
aquamedic wave + 4 boyu pumps (has 9 settings) £100
lighting one 4 t5 light unit £75
2 5t light unit £50
v2 vectron 400 uv stairiliser £45
tmc skimmer and pump £50
Little skimmer redsea £25
phosban 150 plus pump £50
plus a home made reactor that looks just like the 150 £20
25kilo live rock £5pound a kilo £125
2 mexican turbos (the large ones) £6 pair
lots of other snails and hermits + two conchs, , 4 nerissis snails. £20 the lot
two cleaner shrimps £20
yellow tang £25 ,
2 blue damsils £5 pair
2 clowns one is black and white £30 pair
one pyjama wrasse £10,
one shipwreck anthias male stunning £25
corals large elegance coral £40
large duncans. £35
Mushrooms two tree corals two finger corals some xenia redsea and the comman one, toad stool some button polpyps, porites (aka xmas tree rock) £50 the lot one tree is neon green/white
brain coral. £25
ricordia Florida mushrooms £20 for both
ro water unit (maker) plus spare resin £50
tds meter £10
, Portable Salinity Refractometer £15
Used test kits additives incluind d and d phoshate test kit (best on market) (gonna ebay) around £50
Single Halide £30
Ovno livestock must go before tanks cheers

Contact Information
Advertiser: roselynsy
Town: plymouth
County: Devon

Advert stats: [Added or updated:04/04/13 Views: 1803]

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