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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  fluval profile 1000 full marine set up £450 bargain

Description: Fluval Profile 1000 black marine set up

here for sale is my full marine setup.

its just over a year old and is very stable and mature.

along with this tank set up parts included are as follows...

fluval profile 1000 tank along with upgraded fluval 405 cartridge filter

fluval digital thermometer

2x Hydor Koralia Evolution 5200 powerheads with controller

aqua one protein skimmer

also a refractometer

approx 50kgs of live rock

5 different types of coral including trumpet

live stock ..

3 clowns

yellow tang

2 xl chromies

chalk goby

blue cheek goby

watchman goby and pistol shrimp pair

glod streak blenny

3 x cleanner shrimp

blood shrimp

2x sexy shrimp

anenomae (sexy shrimp are hosting this)

hawian crab and red hermit crab

also to be included are all the nesacerry testing kits approx 10 of them

10kgs of salt

spare filter media

dry and frozen food

and a 25l water drum for water changes.

this is a very established tank and very stable.

buyer would need to arrange to remove tank and transport all livestock and water etc

I'm after £450 for everything.

any questions feel free to ask or call Dean on 07714 620052

Contact Information
Advertiser: dean
Telephone: 07714620052
Town: poole
County: Dorset

Advert stats: [Added or updated:12/01/13 Views: 2453]

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