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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Kent Bioreef Marine Aquarium 95L with loads of extras £375 ono

Description: Great deal for an EXPERIENCED fish keeper. This is not a tank for a novice or first time marine fish keeper or child. I'm keen that it goes to a good home as Im only selling due to work and social commitments that don't allow me to pay the required attention to the tank. The set up is nearly 3 years old although the tank is around 15 months old. I've had some of the fish for the 3 years I've had the tank so I really want to make sure that they go to a good home, with someone who knows what they are doing. This set up would really suit someone who is setting up a bigger tank, my tank could become your isolation or breeding tank. Loads of extras included with the tank:
5 to 10 kg of mature live rock
1 x Sail Finn Tang
1 x Algae Blennie
1 x Royal Gramma
1 x File Fish (Eats Aiptasia)
1 x Clown Fish
1 x Green Bubble tip anenome
4 x Turbo Snails
1 x Sea Hare
1 x Cleaner Shrimp
1 x Blue legged Hermit Crab
2 x Emerald Crabs
2 x mid sized Toadstool/Mushroom leather coral
Other misc small corals and creatures that have started to colonise the tank
There were some red leg hermits in there too (although I havnt seen them for a while so its possible theyve been nailed by the other crabs!)
1 x Spiny sea Urchin
Probably too much livestock in this tank if Im honest, thats why it would be good if you were looking to buy this lot to stock a larger tank. Also loads of other odds and sods, some shown in the pics to include:
1 x Refractometer
1 x Protein Skimmer
2 x Water Heaters
2 x Water Pumps
1 x Aiptaser (Kills Aiptasia, check it out on ebay!)
Interpet PF2 Power Filter Pump
Additional Circulation Pump
Separate UV Filtration system (see attached pic)
2 x 20 Lt Plastic Drums for additional RO Water
1 x 25 Lt Plastic Drum for additional RO Water
Test kits, frozen food, salt, carbon, poly filter, plastic cleaning bucket, syphon, jugs, sponges and loads of other bits. Can email more pics if your interested.

A tank like this is a commitment but also a great joy!!

Pick Up only from NW10 (Kensal Rise/Harrow Road). Cash on delivery.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Stewart
Telephone: 07711141975
Town: London
County: London

Advert stats: [Added or updated:16/12/12 Views: 1655]

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