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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Aqua One full marine set up

Description: Aqua One 220 litre tank and cabinet and standard double T5 light unit, bulbs are two months old, Aqua One Aquis 1200 external filter, X2 internal Heaters, Vectron V2 UV steriliser, X3 Seio powerheads, air pump and stone, plenty of good quality live rock, not sure on exact weight sorry, X1 Maroon and gold Clown fish, X1 yellow Tang, and an upside down crab, a few corals: Toadstool coral, and X2 Kenya tree corals and a red starfish, lots of hermit crabs, well matured tank with plenty of life, I find something different in there nearly every day! Comes with a few extras, a full tub phosphate killer, never used, full tub of Triple PH buffer, Ammonia test kits, drip acclimatisers, New Era marine pellet food, brine shrimp flake and packet of Nori seaweed, tubs and hoses and buckets for water changes etc and 20kg of Red Sea coral pro salt, this is a very reluctant sale! This is a great set up and an absolute bargain at £400, will consider offers, thanks for reading
Also I'm struggling to upload photos, I will email or message you photos if you are interested

Contact Information
Advertiser: Matthew Vasey
Telephone: 07525477905
Town: Stoke on Trent
County: Staffordshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:28/11/12 Views: 1707]

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