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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Marine (Coral & Fish) aquarium for sale - HORSHAM, West Sussex

Description: The video (link to YouTube) has the photos appended to it.

The list of equipment and livestock is as follows:

36” Wide x 18” Deep x 24” High
Lighting is 2 x Aquaray LED tiles plus programmable controller (for day, night, storm, etc.)
2 x 200 watt heaters
Eheim 3000+ Return Pump (plus another, I think 5000, spare)
Protein Skimmer – TMC V2 Skim 600
4 x Tunze Circulation pumps
There’s a Phosphate reactor too, which I don’t use as I use NO3:PO4-X to control Phosphate (effectively!)
At least 40kg of Live Rock
Coral Sand Substrate
A Refractometer for accurate salinity testing.
A full RO System including 75 litre bin and 2 x 25 litre plastic jerry cans.
Miscellaneous books, testing kits and other apparatus.

Fish & invertebrates:
3 x Spotted Cardinal
1 x B-Coloured Angel
6 x Chromis
1 x Purple Sailfin Tang
1 x Mimic Lemon Peel Tang
2 x Yellow Stripe Maroon Clown Fish
1 x Tassled Filefish
2 x Shrimp
5 x Snail

Cabbage Leather Coral
Cat's Eye Cynarina Coral
Various others (LFS and SFS) that you can see in the video/photos but I have forgotten their names!

That little lot cost well over £3000 over the last two and half years!!

My reason for selling is that it takes up too much of my time…and I am not very good at it! The soft corals I am ok with, but the LFS, no matter what I do, and no matter how good the water quality is, do not grow but just deteriorate over time. Seems such a waste and I’d rather they went to a better home.

Offers very close to £1000 please.

Buyer collects, dismantles, packs and transports.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Phil Taylor
Telephone: 07711472605
Town: Horsham
County: Sussex
Map Link:

Advert stats: [Added or updated:19/11/12 Views: 2487]

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