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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Two 135 litre Aquariums, One with cabinet. All equipment and Fish

Description: Two Tanks with all equipment and fish for sale.

Tank One.

Cleair Tank. Beech effect with rounded front corners and matching 70cm tall 2 door cabinet.
Tank dimensions are- 81cm long x 55cm high (45cm water depth) x 38cm wide. Approx 135 litre capacity.
Black lid with integral double fluorescent tubes (the tubes do not work and need replacing).
Nearly new Eheim 2213 External Filter with valves. Comes with box and paperwork. The filtered water is currently returning to the tank via a trickle filter unit located in the top of the tank.
Heater, Air stones, Thermometer, Ornaments, Plastic Plants and Sand.
Approx 100 young Bristlenose Catfish and several pairs of breeding Guppies & young.

Tank Two.

Tropiquarium 88 Tank in black. Tank only, no stand.
Tank dimensions are- 84cm long x 55cm high (45cm water depth) x 36cm wide. Approx 135 litre capacity.
Black matching lid with integral double fluorescent tubes. Both tubes working.
Eheim 2213 External Filter with valves.
Heater, Air stones, Ornaments, Bogwood, Plastic Plants and Sand.
Several Malawi Cichlids and Bristlenose Catfish.

Also included is an air pump which is currently supplying air to both tanks and a Vitatech internal filter (currently not in use). The filter is similar to an Eheim Pick-up type filter.

£150 for the two or will split.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Terry Beales
Telephone: 01760 720530
Town: Swaffham
County: Norfolk

Advert stats: [Added or updated:18/09/12 Views: 2016]

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