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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Tank, Light, Rock, Sand real cheap

Description: 1 Aqua ray 1000HD tile (one bulb not working, the tile itself is 6 months old) you need a to buy a Power unit or it can plug into any TMC controller.

Asking Price 90

Boyu protein skimmer (20 pounds)

TMC UV filter (30 Pounds)

Live rock Approx 40 KG.
(make an offer)

Live sand (lots)
(make an offer)

will send pictures of any specific item or condition!

Lots of other stuff to give away free when buying more than one item.

If you want to make a sensible offer for multiple items please do so by sending a text with Max you are willing to put in. If its the max offer I get in the next few days, I will get in touch.

Contact me via text on 07506306805 or throught email. Or calls after 6.

Located in Bristol. Will arrange shipping on smaller items but ask for price first.

Contact Information
Advertiser: sumit
Telephone: 07506306805
Town: bristol
County: Bristol

Advert stats: [Added or updated:28/09/12 Views: 2734]

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