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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Rena Aqualife Calvados 150

Description: RENA Aqualife Calvados 150 Aquarium (450 litres)

RENA Aquarium 150 cm x 50 cm x 70 cm in Cherry completed with matching cabinet comprising two cupboards and one drawer.

Aluminium three section lid, one of which has been notched to accommodate protein skimmer.

I have added three surface-mounted triple sockets inside the cupboards to make plugging in of lights, heaters etc. easier without the need for extension leads and multi-way plugs.

The original built in lights were not suitable for my marine setup, so a sliding glass condensation lid has been fitted inside the main lid and two arcadia fluorescent 36-38w lighting controllers along with one blue tube, one white tube and reflectors are included.

RENA Filstar xP3 external canister filter and associated pipework and filter media

Deltatherm 300w glass heater

Aqua Air AP4 dual outlet air pump

TMC V2 Skim 600 protein skimmer (collection cup has cracked but works fine)

TMC Vecton UV25 steriliser (bulb will require replacement)

Approx. 50kg Ocean Rock

All components are boxed with instruction manuals

Looking for £500 for the lot

Contact Information
Advertiser: Dai Atkins
Telephone: 07818083269
Town: Pontardawe
County: Glamorgan

Advert stats: [Added or updated:01/07/12 Views: 2780]

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