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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  White fish tank and cabinet for sale

Description: 4ft L, 5ft H, 1.5ft W lovely white fish tank with cabinet for sale.

It comes with all equipment:

The whole system works through a sump, the sump being the second glass tank that sits in the cupboard underneath the main tank. The water is pumped up from the sump into the main tank, then overflows back down the central column into the sump again. As it flows down, it passes over various filter media in the central column and then in the sump to keep the water clean and provide good bacteria that break down the fish waste.
There is a simple pump with a tube out that sits in the sump, and all the filter media - big sheets of sponge, bags of small stones/gravel in the sump and small plastic cylinders in the column. Also in the sump, there was a protein skimmer and a heater/thermometer. I think that's probably everything from the sump.

Attached to the back of the under tank cupboard, there was also an ozoniser and a Vecton sterilizer, as well as an automatic top-up system that detected when the water level was dropping (it does all the time due to evaporation) and topped it up from the big plastic flask/bottle.

Because I had it from a previous aquarium set-up, I had an additional canister filter (Eheim, I think).
In the tank itself, there are a couple of powerheads - smaller pumps that keep the water in the main tank circulating all the time.

I also have 2 bags of rocks and food which is included in the price.

Please note that this was a marine set up, and if you want to use it for tropical fish then you may not need some of the stuff, and set up is a lot more straight forward.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Ana
Telephone: 07912 880679
Town: london
County: London

Advert stats: [Added or updated:23/05/12 Views: 1599]

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