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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  NEW Juwel Trigon 190 Beech Fish Tank + (Entire Marine Set-up)


£800 ovno £50 OFF if you collect

E-Mail me for more pics.

******* HALF THE ORIGINAL PRICE!!!!!********

I will also include FREE DELIVERY up to 150 miles from my home, (AYRSHIRE, West Coast of Scotland)£50 OFF if you collect.

This is an entire marine set-up with all the accessories from the Reverse Osmosis filter to the ocean rock. JUST ADD FISH. This is a one off opportunity to purchase an entire NEW Marine set-up at app. half the original price.

The tank and equipment has never had a fish put in it (it has only ever cycled clean water for a couple of months).

Short story why tank etc. is for sale

After having kept tropical fish for years I decided to switch to marine last year, therefore bought the tank, filters etc. and set-up my nice new tank and waited for my water to mature before adding my first fish. While waiting for the water to mature my wife and I discovered that we were going to have our second child, so we had to move house. The tank therefore never had a fish put in it (it has only ever cycled clean water). Once we moved house setting up the tank was not a priority so for the last several months the tank has sat empty in the corner and all the filters etc still in their packing boxes. The house is now in order but I have also recently started up a small business so all my time (and more) is now going into trying to get the business established, so for the foreseeable future I will just not have the spare time to commit to my hobby, so regrettably have decided to sell the tank etc. and this is the reason why it is for sale.

I also had a small marine quarantine tank which housed a small damsel (was going to be first fish in the main tank) but sadly it never survived the move (the tank got damaged) so I have also included everything to set up a small quarantine tank or they can be used as backups. All the items have been used but are all as new.

The Trigon 190 tank and all filters / accessories etc. are all brand new and have only
ever cycled clean water for a couple of months.

I have listed all the main stuff but there are also all the usual accessories included but could not take pics of everything. The picture of the tank has been taken from Juwels web site (just looks better than a pic of an empty tank). The pic of the protein skimmer has been taken from the Aqua C web site (my one is all wrapped up). All the other pics are of the other main equipment that comes with the tank.

The entire set-up is for marine and I have even included 2 of the best marine books on the market, the Aqua C protein skimmer I imported from the USA and is unused. Everything else is brand new (has only cycled clean water). The RO filter comes with two 15-gallon containers with taps and one of the containers has a Kent marine float switch fitted (not shown). The heater that is shown with the RO is for the second tub so that water can be pre-mixed and pre-heated before a water change making things much easier.

I have listed practically everything but if you require any more pics or have any questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail me and I will respond ASAP.


I will also include FREE DELIVERY up to 150 miles from my home, (AYRSHIRE, West Coast of Scotland) if you live over 150 miles away then we can work something out for delivery, i.e. meeting me at approx. 150 miles mark for handover (van / large estate required) or additional cost for extra miles.


Rather than list all the technical data I have listed some of the main sites so you can visit.

MAIN TANK (shown)

Juwel Trigon 190 Beech tank with original internal filter/heater etc. in corner box.
New Arcadia Marine lighting (x1 white / x1 Blue)
Kent Marine RO filter (includes two 15-gallon containers with taps (not shown)and one of the containers has a Kent marine float switch fitted).(not shown)
Algarde 150W heater (pre-heat)(not shown)
Aqua C protein skimmer with power head (includes spares kit)
Eheim Professional 2227 wet/dry filter with ephisubstrat
Fluval 204 filter

(not shown)
Large siphon with pump
Box of spare hose for filters / RO / etc.
Box of spare air valves / filter media (ephisubstrat, activated carbon, clay rings filter wool & carbon filter)
App. 4-5 Kg of salt
App. 20Kg of Ocean Rock & app. 20 Kg of Tuffa rock


Kent Marine

Essential Elements
Ammonia Detox
Pro-Buffer dKH
RX-P Parasite Treatment


Nitrite Test
PH Test

Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Dry- Tab Master Test Kit (Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Wide Range PH)
Carbonate Hardness KH
Stress Coat


Methylene Blue (No. 10)
Anti-Slime & Velvet (No. 7)

Aquarium Systems

Fastest Ammonia Kit


Tetratest (Nitrite)

QUARANTINE TANK acc’s (not shown)

Sandstorm fluidised bed filter (biological)
Eheim filter (mechanical)
Sander Piccolo protein skimmer with Elite 799 pump
Tronic heater/stat.
Rena Air 100 pump for airstone


Eheim Aqua Grips (not shown)
Algarde Midi-Therm Heater control/stat.
Coralife Aqua Gloves
Seatest SG meter
Glass Hydrometer
Mag-Float cleaning magnets
Glass Thermometers
Interpet Airvolution 1 pump
Lighting Timer
Telescopic Siphon
Air stone / cleaning brushes etc.

BOOKS (not shown)

Baensch Marine Atlas
Contentious Marine Aquarist by Robert M. Fenner

ALL the intruction books and spares lists etc. for everything is also included.

£800 ovno £50 OFF if you collect

E-Mail me for more pics.

Contact Information
Advertiser: David
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Advert stats: [Added or updated:17/08/05 Views: 13233]

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