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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Small angel breeding set up

Description: Fish house with Fluval external filter, running, no leaks, three 36/15/16 glass tanks divided to give 6 breeding cubes 18/15/16, 2x 36/15/15 growing on tanks, all come with heaters and filters and far too many bits and bobs to mention including spare heaters. Also included arer 4 proven pairs of angels, koi male & standard female produce great coloured off spring, 1 pair of marbles who produce massive broods with a very high hatch rate, 1 pair of pure strain golds who produce 100% gold young, all very fit and strong, 1 pair of silver mottled who have to be separated after spawning as they tend to get straight down to business shortly after the brood become free swimming. I also have lots of spare new and used but clean and good filters that I will happily throw in along with air stones, valves and air line The price is £150. I also have an air blower but it's far too powerfull for just these tanks and is available separately at £65. There are also young angels for sale from all the pairs and I am open to offers for the whole as a job lot, in total there are around 400 plus youngsters at all sizes.
The fish house is set up and running at the moment and inspection is very welcome in south west scotland.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Peter Foster
Telephone: 01557 339452
Town: Kirkcudbright
County: Dumfriesshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:18/10/11 Views: 2138]

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