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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Tropical/marine tank

Description: Fluval 125 litre could be 130 litres but not sure. The tank has a curved front and black plastic around the top with a light wood effect strip that would have matched the tank. The tank has all pipes but the pipe that takes in the water to the filter has no top and I was using a piece of net secured by an elastic band and it worked just fine.

The lild is in three bits and I presume is ment to be that way. The lighting works well but I have no lighting included.

The filter is a fluval 205 and works well but has a bit of tape over the lead near the bottom and could o with replacing but it works fine at the moment.

The glass and plastic do have a few scratches due to being moved around and cleaning ect. Not really noticeable tho and dose not affect the tank in any way.

If the tank was brought for a tropical set up I have the gravel,ornaments and man who blows air bubbles.

Please contact for pictures and questions. Quick sale needed as moving.

Make me an offer but must be for the lott I am not splitting filter or tank.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Ellen
Telephone: 07827918321
Town: Guildford
County: Surrey

Advert stats: [Added or updated:28/09/11 Views: 1262]

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