Landlord not renewing our tenancy and has given us minimal time to get sorted as he is moving back in the house.
Seahorse tank 40" tall x 20" x 20" with cabinet and pelmet £175 ono including single halide unit or £250 including live rock and algaes plus some various soft corals.
V600 skimmer - can't go until tank and livestock sold - includes massive pump also £60 will post at buyers risk?
Various bits and pieces of treatments, water tests, egg crate etc Will photograph and list later on.
4 foot tank with 3 foot sump, no cabinet but all pipework £75 Can come with cabinet for additional £50 but this is solid timber homemade ( looks great though )
Small 30" quarantine tank and black cabinet stand. This has been used for a couple of weeks only for freshwater. £60
4 foot tank - scratched and boshed a fair bit but good for hidden quaratine tank or perhaps a sump. £15
System 2000 cooling unit with System 200 control module. Excellent working order, ideal for summer £100 ovno
Will listen to serious offers for stuff for quick sale and also have my livestock needs to go including Kole tang, clowns, various gobies, scooter dragonet, algae blenny and humbug damsels.
Please no timewasters am in tears typing this already need it gone asap
07788438431 or 07887868202
Contact Information Advertiser: emma Telephone: 01366328843
Town: Foulden
County: Norfolk
Advert stats: [Added or updated:13/07/11 Views: 2069]
