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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment


Description: hi iv decided to sell up so i have for sale my 6x2x2 pride and joy it been up and running for over 2 year

included is

6x2x2 tank in excellent condition drilled at back with 2 weirs leading down to a 4x18x20 sump with all pipework included cabinet is painted black and in excellent condition.this cost £600 to be built just over 2 year ago also a open top hood surround for the top.

x3 single 250 watt single ended metal halides with 14000k bulbs which give unbeleivable coral growth bulbs just over 3 month old so plenty of life left in them there black in colour


x2 tunze 6060 powerhead wavemakers cost £160 new
x1koralia 4 wavemaker cost £75 new
x1 Rio 1700 wavemaker cost £65 new
x1 Rio 2500 return pump cost £80 new
tmc v2 skim 1000 with upgraded eheim pump as good as any deltec skimmer cost £180
x1 sump ligh and ballast cost £35 new
x2 300watt heaters cost £40 new
x1 D&D ro unit cost £140 new
x1 D&D refractometer cost £40 new
x1 redsea hydrometer cost £10 new
various other bits included


80 kilo+ top quality liverock lovely shapes and sizes covered in purple coraline algae stunning
about 30+ kilo of coral sand

x1 yellow belly regal tang about 5 inch
x1 regal tang about 4 inch
x1 indo firefish about 3 inch
x1 pacific sailfin tang about 3 inch
x1 breeding trio of ocellaris clownfish female about 3inch male about 1 1/2 inch stunning wild caught pair
x1 boxing crab (pom pom crab) large
x1 blood red cleaner shrimp
x2 peppermint shrimp
x10+ hermits
hundreds of detritus snails


large red plating montipora about 10inch x 6inch
x5 frags of red plating montipora
x1 stunning large piece of yellow turbinaria (scroll coral)+ about 10 frags of yellow turbinaria
x2 nice pieces of montipora hirsuta
x5 frags of montipora hirsuta
x1 table acropora
x1 3kilo piece of lr with about 10 ricardia mushies on
various lps and softies also included

all in this is a stunning setup which has cost me thousands to get it the way it is

i advise any1 interested to come and view it my mobile no is 07988997442 if interested contact me.

im looking for £900ono which is well worth but will split up it viewing more than welcome
thanks mark.

Contact Information
Advertiser: mark short
Telephone: 0191 587 0112
Town: peterlee
County: Durham

Advert stats: [Added or updated:26/05/11 Views: 2851]

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