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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Complete Massive setup - Marine

Description: Up for grabs is my 160 Gallon Full marine reef setup. Due to work cicumstances and a new addition to the family i am selling my beloved aquarium. This setup consists of a custom built tank, with sump. Holding approximately 150kg Indonesian liverock, countless corals including mushrooms, medusa, duncans, xena, pussy coral, and much much more. The live stock includes... 7" indonesian sailfin tang, 7" regal tang, checkerboard wrasse, an unidentified wrasse, six line wrasse, 3 ghost cardinals, 2 pyjama cardinals, 12" engineer goby, cleaner wrasse, long nose butterfly angle, flame angel, coral beauty, 2 clown gobies, saddleback clown and percular clown. Invertibrates include a large purple reef lobster, countless hermit crabs, small green bubble anemone, large banded starfish, brittle starfish, 2 boxer shrimps, 2 cleaner shrimps and more! the lighting is a geismann 2x250w metal halide unit, automatic feeder, 4 power heads, aquamedic protein skimmer,uvunit, automatic top up, ro system all with new filters and much much more. To buy this system from scratch and mature it to this quality would cost in the region of £7000. I am asking for £2000 no offers and am reluctant to split. The size and weight of this will mean a full day at least to break down and relocate which will be the buyers responsibility. Please no time wasters as this really is a bargin for a complete setup or double your money if youre prepared to split it up and sell on? (forgot x2 eheim return pumps) viewing recommended reluctant sale hence no offers. Contact Matt or leave a message on 01362 667297

Contact Information
Advertiser: matthew
Telephone: 07813056649
Town: dereham
County: Norfolk
Map Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:12/10/10 Views: 2309]

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