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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Systemised marine Tank, Sump and Cabinet £850 ono

Description: Measures 58" high (24" tank). 48" long and 18" deep.
The tank includes a weir and sump and is approx 450 litres.
Fish are: Regal tang, yellow tang, sailfin tang, tomato clown, cleaner wrasse trained to accept frozen food, firefish, peacock wrasse, six line wrasse, royal gramma, two pyjama cardinal's, a flameback angel and algae blennie.
Corals are 2 large toadstalls, two large zooanthid colonies, a red zooantus colony, pussy coral, finger, montipora, tongue coral, mushroom colonies, ricordia and gorgonia, cauliflower, xenia, button polyp colony, large anemone and lots of snails and hermit crabs
There is approx 30 kilo's of live rock, live sand and in the sump there is some healthy growing caulepera with plenty of copeopod and amphipod activity.
Three powerheads, return pump, Vecton 400 UV, Aqua Medic Turboflotor SL skimmer, heaters and 6 bars of expensive led lighting. Various tests, equip and food also
Cost over £3,000, selling due to move
£850 ono, contact for more details

Contact Information
Advertiser: Ian Smith
Telephone: 01243-780892
Town: Chichester
County: Sussex
Map Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:09/10/10 Views: 2430]

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