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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Axolotls and Juwel Rekord 60

Description: I have two axolotl's, one melanoid female and a leustic male for sale, including their tank, a Juwel Rekord 60 with filter, hood etc. The light (standard 15W fluorescent) has just run out, so a new one will be needed (around £10 in any LFS) and the Juwel filter system will need it's filter pads changed at the times specified by Juwel.
They are a lovely pair and i have had them for 3 and a bit years i think now. They are both 10"-12" in length and are very healthy. They have spawned for me regularly (they usually do for me when it gets cold or hot, and then changes quickly and i have found that if you leave the tank uncleaned for a month, they do it then aswell??? must just be them!). This year, they have spawned 4 times for and each time, the eggs have hatched. I however dont have the time to raise the fry, so i usually give them away.
They are healthy eaters and even take food from your hands. They feed well on prawns, mussel, large bloodworm, earthworms, hikari sinking carnivore pellets....anything large and meaty to be honest!
They make a lovely addition to any aquarist's life, watching you as you walk around the room. I will be sad to lose them, but i am finding it hard to find time to spend time with them now due to exams etc and i could do with the money as i am starting to drive now, and i want to concerntrate on my seahorse tank more than anything.
In one picture the tank isn't looking at it's best, due to work etc I don't have the time to go out and buy new plants etc.

I am in Chigwell, in Essex. For the adult pair, tank and equipment, i was thinking between £80-100. Axoltols this size in stores go for £30 minimum....and for a breeding pair, who knows what they would charge!

Contact Information
Advertiser: Connor S
Telephone: 07834005473
Town: Chigwell
County: Essex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:03/09/10 Views: 2301]

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