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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  [SOLD] Eheim 2211 external filter with spare filter media [SOLD]

Description: This external filter is fully cleaned and there is no algae stain on the tubings, however I am missing the pipes (both external and internal) as it became brittle and so it got binned (didn't have the time to go out and buy a spare part which would cost less than a fiva).

There is a combination of 4 layers of eheim filter media: ceramic ring, substrate and wool. Here is how I set it up, ceramic ring, wool, substrate and wool. This is very effective for a biological filtration.

Remember, the filter media inside is NEW, I filled it up for demonstration purposes, you can tell it is new as it has no fishy odour and the wool is white (not worned out yellow).

The spare filter media includes:
-Ceramic rings
-Filter wool (will get a pic when I have time)


Sold on Sunday 5th September 2010

Contact Information
Advertiser: Kevin
Telephone: .
Town: London
County: London

Advert stats: [Added or updated:05/09/10 Views: 2445]

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