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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  5 Foot Tank and Cabinet

Description: DESCRIPTION: 5 foot (500+ litre) aquarium with sump and cabinet

Glassware has rounded corners at the front, constructed from 10mm thick plate glass, 5foot long, 2 foot high and 2 foot deep with integral weir drilled and piped to sump.

Sump includes three aqua-one plastic boxes for installation of media and refugium for growing algae and mangrove (if required) as well as a 2' 6” long, 1' wide, 1' 3” glass sump tank for return pump etc

The tank lid includes two tubes for night lighting along with starters etc

The main metal halides lamps over the tank are not included in the sale.

The tank and cabinet are very heavy / large will need a van and a few strong guys to shift this item.

All live stock have now been removed and the tank is de-commissioned, I am in the process of emptying and cleaning and will add photo's of the empty tank in due course. The tank is water-tight and has been used for a marine set-up but could be converted to fresh water tropical.

Tank cost £1800 when new, asking price £350 buyer collects - close to M27 / M3.

Telephone: 07861 684666 or 02380 616798

Contact Information
Advertiser: Roger Holland
Telephone: 07861 684666
Town: Eastleigh
County: Hampshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:25/04/10 Views: 3318]

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