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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Aquarium 225 gallon saltwater reef aquarium

Description: 225 gallon reef aquarium whats included: large all glass drilled tank with corner overflows, tall black stand and canopy, outer orbit lights with 3 250watt 14k metal halides, 8 actinic T5s, 24 moon glows, 8 blue LED powerbright units, cooling fans. Large refugium and sump, large 400 gallon octopus skimmer, 500 gallon de... nitrate reactor, mag 12 and mag 18 return pumps, phosphate reactors 1 large 1 small,40 watt uv steralizer, 40watt over refugium light, 2.5 gallon kalwasser drip, current chiller. Approx 600lb high grade cultured live rock, 350lb live sand, 4 korallia circulation pumps.

Live stock included; purple tang, sohal tang, tamini tang, orange shoulder tang, red sea sailfin tang, australian harlequin tusk, lion fish, 2 clowns, 2 chromis, 2 scooter blennies, red scooter blenny, white ribbon eel, marble wrasse, christmas island wrasse, six line wrasse, red coris wrasse, 2 cleaner wrasse, marble wrasse, marine beta, night watch goby, sand sifting goby, spotted goby, sweet lips, pixy hawk fish, cuban hog fish, dianas hog fish, purple dotty back, copper band butterfly fish.

mass array of corals both soft and hard
various assortment of inverts including crabs snails shrimps star fish

RO/DI unit with 50 gallon water drum.

Aquarium is fully matured and is in prime condition, no expense spared. over $18,000 spent .

Tank to be sold complete serious buyers only. Can help with removal and set up of tank.
excellent for professional office restaurant or beautiful in any home email
Tank can be seen fully set up and working. ALL SERIOUS OFFERS CONSIDERED. Come and view the reef you will be seriously amazed

Contact Information
Advertiser: florence Mzopi
County: Bath & North-East Somerset

Advert stats: [Added or updated:20/03/10 Views: 3195]

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