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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Complete Marine starter kit - Aquamedic Chromis

Description: Hi unfortunately im moving house and im not going to have room for 2 fishtanks as i need the room for my lizards lol so anyway i have a marine aquarium starter kit the Aquamedic Chromis, it consists of a tank (55cm cube), a stand, an aquamedic Biostar Flotar protein skimmer with a post skimming biowheel - suitable for aquariums upto 260 litres(with an aquamedic oceanrunner 2000 pump), a 150watt metal halide lighting unit, a 1000 litre per hour internal power filter, an aquamedic ocean runner 2500 pump and a small box of salt. The only other things you are going to need to have a beautiful marine aquarium is a hydrometer/refractometer and a heater. the tank and light have been used for approx 3 months each and the ocean runner 2500 has been used for about 6 months but everything is in perfect working order. The only bad point is there is a scratch on the base where the door has caught when opening. I'm asking £200 or make me a sensible offer, need to shift quickly.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Dennis Ganderton
Telephone: 07812394806
Town: wyre piddle
County: Worcestershire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:03/03/10 Views: 2769]

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