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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  4 ft aquarium inlcuding hood and stand. excellent cond 200 L

Description: For sale i have my 4ft Lite-Glo aquarium. i am selling this as am wanting to upgrade to either a 5-6 foot tank.

Tank L120cm W40cm H42cm
Stand H70cm

The Hood incorporates 2 T8 lights, 1 is Purple and 1 is Marine blue i also have a spare white one.
Tetratec EX700 external cannister
1 Koralia 1 powerhead
150watt heater
digital Thermometre
about 20-25kg of black gravel
1 small bit of bog wood (please note bogwood on left and plants are not included)
20kg of rock

4x 4" Red belly Piranhas all very healthy and with no ripped fins (yet)

The stand is in excellent condition and has open backs to allow easy wiring etc etc
i will also include a little bit of food to last you a small amount of time as i will be keeping the food for my next tank.

if you are looking to downsize i maybe interested in a swap.

the tank itself has no scratches apart from a few minor ones on the right side. the back and left side is painted blue which can be removed.
the hood has a small cut in which i have glued black where i used to have a skimmer as can be seen in the pics.


Contact Information
Advertiser: yasser
Telephone: 07909902173
Town: banbury
County: Oxfordshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:10/02/10 Views: 1994]

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