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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Aquaclear Powerhead 70 Aquarium Water Pump £30

Description: New Pump not required, offered for quick sale
RRP £71.51

Hagen Aquaclear Powerhead 20 (1514 LPH)

Adding a powerhead to an under-gravel system increases water flow through a gravel substrate and improves its filtering efficiency. It also oxygenates water and, in the process, provides needed oxygen to colonies of beneficial bacteria in the gravel which optimizes their biological filtration capabilities. Easily fitted to most under gravel systems. Powerhead comes equipped with a tapered riser stem adapter which accepts .5" to 1.125" tubing. Rim clamp firmly holds it in place atop the riser stem and an optional suction cup bracket which allows the unit to hang from an aquarium wall instead of the rim.

A powerhead add to an under-gravel system improves filtering efficiency and increases water flow when through a gravel substrate. Oxygenating the water in the process the powerhead provides colonies and bacteria in the gravel needed oxygen which helps with their biological filtration.


The Powerhead is easily fitted to most under-gravel systems, comes equipped with a tapered riser stem adapter which accepts 5" to 1.125" tubing
Rim clamp firmly holds it in place a the top of the riser stem
Optional suction cup bracket to allow wall hanging to fit standard aquariums
Movement Switch controls for reverse and forward flow and a Noise Suppressor
Air Filter that quietly removes airborne contaminants before they can pollute the water.
A "Venturi" Aeration Device increases surface agitation and gas exchange efficiency.
Unique reverse flow capability vigorously pumps water down the under-gravel stem and forces it back up through the gravel substrate. Any standard under-gravel filter can be turned into reverse flow without further modification.
220 240V


Contact Information
Advertiser: mark
Telephone: 07538646045
County: Sussex

Advert stats: [Added or updated:17/01/10 Views: 1725]

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