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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  aqua medic 120 silver with live rock and fish

Description: Hello

I have to reluctantly sell my tank including plenty of rock and fish due to my partner and I moving.
We have an Aqua Medic Percula 120l in silver complete with cabinet, which is ideal for storing all of your must haves out of eye view. The dimensions of aquarium are 120x60x65cm. Includes built-in filtration and a twin 150W 13000øK Ocean Light metal halide luminaire and blue tube light, with starter and pumps.
The tank comes fully set up with rock, coral and our beloved fish. We have a yellow tang, dog face puffer, jewel puffer, mandarin, orange star fish and our blue spotted ray "Mr Raymond", who you are able to hand feed. Along with many crabs and snails.

Equipment includes;
TMC V2 vecton 600 uv steriliser, only three months old.
2 buckets of salt, one being Deltec (full) and the other Aqua (half full).
Various test kits.
TMC Hydrometer.
Deltec RO man 3 stage, 2 months old.
100l slimline water butt to mix your salt water for your tank.

Much much more included....

Please make sensible offers, best offer gets it.

I have a van to move, we can discuss this futher if needed.

will not split sell all at once

Contact Information
Advertiser: steve hawkes
Telephone: 07960 754 300
Town: dartford
County: Kent

Advert stats: [Added or updated:07/11/09 Views: 2587]

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