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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Marine Aquarium Vision 180 complete setup with Livestock

Description: Here I have for sale my pride and joy Maine Aquarium, the reason for sale is we are expecting our 1st baby and need to buy baby furniture!


The Tank is a Jewel 180 Vision in black with stand there is a couple of scratches but are not noticeable under water. All the seals are in very good order.

Lighting is catered for by a Juwel HIgh-Lite Marine T5 lighting 1 white and 1 blue (6 month old bulbs) with reflectors.

Rena SmartHeater that doubles up as an intake for the filter, for less clutter in the tank.

I have just over 25kg of Fujian grade a live Rock that has lots of little coral & sponges growing on it with some nice shapes, as you can see in the pics.

Turn over is handled by 2 Tunze Turbelle Nanostreams 1, 6024 & 1, 6045 giving a combined 38x turn over!

I have a Deltec MCE600 Skimmer in place at the back of the tank, its well placed not to distract from the tank. The skimmer is only 6 months old and has the silencing kit fitted.

I also have a EHEIM Ecco Filter which aging is only 6 months old.

And least but no means last I have a Vecton V2 400 Steriliser which is attached at the back of the cabinet out of site and out of the way and is plumbed in line with the filter so no messing around.

Live Stock:

1 Regal Tang
1 Coral Beauty
1 green/blue chromos
1 Yellow Tail Damsel
1 Cleaner vassal
2 Clown Fish (Pair)
1 Porcupine Puffer fish

1 True Peppermint Shrimp
1 Fire Shrimp
3 Turbo Snails

1 Small Hammer head coral

I would be willing to sell the live stock separately as it would make selling the tank a lot easer but the fish would have to go to a good home 1st.

Also included is about 20kg of reef crystals salt, net, digital thermometer, all timer plugs, some active carbon & marine test kit.

This is every thing you need to have a very successful & stunning aquarium that will make your friends and family memorised for hours.

I am open to sensible offers but I and looking around £700 for lot.

Call me after 4pm on 07789226242 or email me anytime at
I am located in Winsford, CW7 3AZ.

Thanks for looking.

Contact Information
Advertiser: Silvio
Telephone: 07789226242
Town: Winsford
County: Cheshire
Map Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:28/09/09 Views: 3734]

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