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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Fluval Venezia 190 Corner Aquarium Plus fish and extras Reduced

Description: I have For Sale a 6 Months old Fluval Venezia 190 aquarium. I'm selling due to lack of time space and generally losing interest so here's what is on offer
Fluval 190 Corner Aquarium in Light Oak/Mocha
98 cm Width
70 cm Depth (radius)
60 cm Height
Cabinet Dimensions are as above but stands 70cm tall
Useful Volume: 161 Litres (approx.)
Equipment Included

Fluval 205 External Filter
"Easy-Connect" system and attachments
1 x 24 watt T5 1 x Arcadia White Lamp
Canopy light & with timer
2 x 200 watt heaters one is BNIB

Easily reversible door panels allow you to choose between a single colour cabinet and the two tone finish

The fish
3 x Mickey Mouse Platy
5 x Neons
6 x Harlequins
1 x Red Tailed Shark
1 x Clown Loach
1 x Bristle Nose
1 x Cory
2 x Mollies
1 x Black Angel fish

I will also throw in the following
1 x Nutrafin Ammonia liquid Test Kit used about 5 or 6 times so about 65 test remaining
1 x bottle of API Accu Clear used once
1 x API 5 in 1 test strips 4 test left
1 x bottle of SERA Phosvec used once
Various other bits and pieces water treatments plant food, fish food, water siphon, bucket etc etc basically everything I own that is to do with fishkeeping.
there is also 5 x pieces of rock 1 x peice of mopani wood and a few plants if you want them.
All this for £250 ovno Reduced from £300
Buyer will have to collect.
If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me
No Time Wasters Please
Tel 07736245830

Contact Information
Advertiser: Marc Penn
Telephone: 07736245830
Town: Egremont
County: Cumberland

Advert stats: [Added or updated:09/07/09 Views: 2598]

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