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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Complete Marine tank for sale (Merseyside)

Description: I'm placing my much-loved marine aquarium, with all the accessories and contents up for sale. If you are considering moving to marines, this is the bargain of a lifetime.

This tank has been established for several years, though much of the equipment has been replaced in past year. Has been running using Berlin natural filtration system, supported by Rowaphos/nitrate filter media in external canister filter.

It is all currently operating so a buyer would be aware of need to dismantle the facility and arrange alternative accommodation for livestock till aquarium re-established. Ideally the buyer would live withing reasonable distance of Merseyside (L30 7RQ)

I will accept best offer over £500 for the lot. A real deal when you consider this is well over £1500 worth of gear!

Please feel free to contact me on e-mail or ring 07515 058919 if interested.

Includes :

Aquarium :

10mm glass aquarium, measuring 60" x 24" x 18", seated on a custom box-frame pedestal stand (cream)
Integrated cupboard for pumps etc. Glass covers x 2
60" Arcadia Luminaire with four T5 lamps
Approx 16kgs of live rock. All healthy.
Deltec MCE600 Skimmer (approx ten months old)
Seio 1200 Superflow water pumps x 2
Heater/Thermostats (1 x 300w + 1 x 150w) Both new.
Pinpoint Electronic Remote Thermometer.
Arcadia Spray Bar with powerhead.
Fluval 204 External Canister Filter
Regent 9500 air pump

Livestock :

Maroon Clownfish x 1
Mono x 1
Assorted Damsels/Humbug
Sea Cucumber
Long-Spined Sea Urchin
Feather Dusters
Few soft corals.

Accessories :

Timer plugs x 5/multiplug adapter
Pinpoint Electronic Nitrate Monitor
Seio M1100 Super Flow water pump (new/unused)
Approx 18kgs Instant Ocean salt
Full range of test kits
Many Kent supplements aand additives.
Several new containers of Granumarin food.
Rowphos (loose & pads)
Aquamedic Glass Scraper/spare blades
Loads of powerheads, hoses, connectors, suckers etc, bits & pieces

Contact Information
Advertiser: John Taylor
Telephone: 0151 531 6648
Town: Liverpool
County: Merseyside

Advert stats: [Added or updated:11/01/09 Views: 3072]

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