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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  (juwel aquarium )vision 260 complete OFFERS

Description: Jewel vision 260 beech(the glass does have quiet a few scratches on the front of the tank and the lid as 5 small hole from were extra lighting was added.
however the rest is in perfect condition with no water damage on the cabinet at all.
this is a mature aquarium complete and up and running.

Jewel twin lighting bar plus spare bulb
eheim pro 2222
300w heater
also included is the water treatments as pitchered
the melafix and primafix are all new apart from 1 small melafix which as been used
the rest is all used so some a nearly full and with 1 does or so left.
the test kits are all used but plenty left and test strips are hardly used
also most food are hardly used including frozan aswell

lots of plants. most are established but some are new(email me for photos of plants)
also a deep mix of laterite and black gravel

2 bunches Alternanthera Reineckii (fairly new)
11 bunches amazon swards (established)growing quick
1x Cabomba Caroliniana (established)
6 or 7 Hygrophilia Augustifolia (very well established) grows very quick
Rotala Wallichii (new)
2x Sagittaria Platyphylla (established)
2x Bacopa Caroliniana(established)
2x java fern new
1x Ludwigia Repens (new)
3x Vallisneria Asiatica (established)
2x pinky/purple water lilly plant(establishing)
1x Anubia Nana (established)
and quiet a lot other that i dont now the names of.

the fish include
3x golden barbs (biggest 2")

2x angels(i did have 5 but these 2 seemed to separate from the rest so i kept the hoping it was a possible pair

5x 1" keyhole cichlids (very peaceful and active cichlids)

1x breeding pair egyptian mouth brooder (very peaceful and very interesting to watch when the mother as the young in her mouth

3x neon dwarf rainbow fish (very beautiful stunning rainbow. neon blue fish with stunning neon red fin tips)

16x harlequin rasbora (very colorful biggest about a inch, spawn a couple of times but young never survive)

4x bronze Cory (about 1" very active scavenger and keep the bottom free of debris

4x Jilli Cory (about 2"+. they have very stunning colouration and excellent scavengers.

2x otocinclus cats( brilliant algae eaters but need to be supplemented greens aswell

bogwood 24" tall 14" wide
plus bogwood in the tank
3x large(1 as java moss growing on it + 3x small pieces
reluctent sale no longer have the time to look after it OFFERS GRAB A GREAT BARGAIN
any questions please ask
karl on 07592735030 or email me at


Contact Information
Advertiser: manda tasker
Telephone: 07592735030
Town: grimsby
County: Lincolnshire

Advert stats: [Added or updated:15/09/08 Views: 2915]

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