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Home :: Aquariums, Fish Tanks & Equipment

  Fully set up marine tank for sale - includes everything!

Description: For Sale!

One 55 gallon (130 litre) marine tank and all accessories.


Included in this sale is:

Tank, completely watertight
(obviously! Still has the fish in it lol)

Tank stand (jewel) with cupboard underneath

Protien skimmer in full working order
(Prizm Skimmer Delux)

Wave machine with 3 powerheads (variable controls and
speeds and room for one more power head on socket)

extra small heater for mixing water change water

Digital thermometer and task reminder

fluval filter (and filter media) I think its a 305 but
possibly a 205, does its job anyway. has all
media baskets and it is matured.

2 T5 lights (one white one blue) 54w each,
one moonlight light

Power surge extension lead
(cuts out within miliseconds of current felt in water)
2 light timers

4 testing kits
(half used but good for another 6 months):

nitrite/nitrate test kit
ammonia test kit
ph test kit
Kh/Dkh test kit

2 bottles of joes juice
(had aptasia problem but now its all clear)

extra filter media

All with test vials and syringes

Phsytoplex coral food (practically a full bottle)

Water conditioner and iodine

activated carbon - new

flake fish food (for emergencies!)

Enough marine salt to make up 100 litres

20 kg of live rock (cost over £200) fully cycled

20 kg live sand in tank and a separate bag of live sand 20 kg unopened


furry mushrooms
blue mushrooms
pink mushrooms
large trumpet mushroom
yellow polyps
pink aster
pink thing (I don't know what its called but its growing!)
green grape algae


1 peacock wrasse
1 pyjama fish

3 snails

1 sandsifting starfish

6 hermit crabs varying sizes

1 boxing shrimp (large and bad tempered)
1 cleaner shrimp
1 true peppermint shrimp

1 sea hare

1 quasimodo sea slug
(if you look it up its not really a slug but
an odd snail whose shell has grown over!)

marine invertebrates handbook
marine fish handbook

130 litres of saltwater!

This tank has cost about £2000 to set up and is
fully functional. The 'inmates' get on really well
although I do have a little trouble with green algae
(but I think my lights are on too long!)

£450 - buyer must be able to disassemble and collect. Alternatively, please bid on my ebay auction

Contact Information
Advertiser: Laura Foster
Telephone: 07903182354
Town: Morecambe
County: Lancashire
Web Link: ...

Advert stats: [Added or updated:21/07/08 Views: 3504]

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