Look no further for a peaceful community freshwater fish, the Ellioti cichlid is what offers that. I have raised fry from birth and all healthy, it's good to see fish grow from baby to adults. Kept in moderately hard water (London) and bred in tap water with water conditioner. Males generally have brighter colours, and both sexes have brilliant finnage.
Scientific Name: Thorichthys ellioti
Origin: Mexico (South American Cichlid)
How easy are they to care for?
We would class this species as EASY to care for.
How large can they grow?
What is the ideal number to keep together?
4 or more Ellioti cichlids should be kept together.
What water conditions do they require?
Water temperatures should range from 25-28°C and pH should be between 7.0 - 8.5
What should you feed them?
Ellioti cichlids will accept a wide range of foods including frozen foods (brineshrimp, bloodworm, daphnia, and various dried foods such as flake, green flake, cichlid pellets, and crushed algae wafers.
How compatible are they with other fish?
This species will be fine in a general community aquarium.
These fish are newly hatched fry and are growing fast, they are really nice pet fish to have as they are able to be kept with other friendly fish. Please feel free to enquire...
Price varies depending on size, varying from £5 - £8 each.
Pictures are of actual fish and parents. Text or email if you have any further questions on the item or collection etc.
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Contact Information Advertiser: Ashley Telephone: 07943227339
Town: Romford
County: Essex
Advert stats: [Added or updated:26/06/20 Views: 2873]
